AFJ Action Campaign Applauds Robust Courts Discussion at Debate

Zack Ford, Press Secretary
(202) 464-7370 /

WASHINGTON, DC, February 7, 2020 – At Friday night’s debate, several candidates discussed the importance of the courts and their support for judicial nominees that would uphold the right to an abortion. Tom Steyer notably pointed out that President Trump and Senate Republicans have been “stacking the court for a generation with young right-wing radicals.” Alliance for Justice Action Campaign President Nan Aron released the following statement:

“Since the sham confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, progressive voters have demonstrated unprecedented energy demanding the courts be prioritized, continuing to speak out in droves against Trump’s ultraconservative nominees at all levels of the federal judiciary. Tonight, the candidates answered that call by recognizing how vital it is to undo the damage Trump and Senate Republicans have done to our courts.

“Mere moments after acquitting our impeached president on charges of rigging the election, Senate Republicans resumed their schedule to continue rubber-stamping his ultraconservative judicial nominees. This includes Andrew Brasher and Cory Wilson, who have records hostile to voting rights and a host of other civil rights and legal protections. Voters recognize our democracy is fragile and that we deserve judges who will uphold our rights, not judges who will jump at every opportunity to dismantle them. We encourage the candidates to engage voters on the importance of protecting our courts.”

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