Defend Justice, Protect Our Rights!
We are ready to meet this moment in new ways to vigorously defend
the progress we have made. Join the fight to protect our courts.
Join us in opposing the extremists being lined up for the federal bench.
We are shining a light on the dangerous records of Trump’s judicial
nominees and sounding the alarm to keep them off the bench.

We will work to delay and defeat Trump’s extremist nominees.
Using our unique combination of research and advocacy, we will shine a light on the dangerous records of Trump’s judicial nominees and sound the alarm to keep them off the bench. We will use every tool, from organizing to leveraging senate procedures, to get the job done.

We will continue the long-term work of building the bench with judges committed to democracy and equality.
Through our work in the state courts and building power on the front lines with our supporters, we will identify some of the most talented and thoughtful lawyers around the country who will be ready for current state court openings and the federal bench in a new administration.

We will double down on state courts to hold the line against federal fascism.
We will advocate for judges who come from the movements we serve to sit on our state supreme courts and use our unique experience with the federal bench to help guide and prepare them for the future.
Join Our Fight to Continue Defending Justice!
We have a long road ahead, but we will never stop fighting for fair courts. We will continue Building Power, Transforming Courts, and Securing Justice for All, but we can’t do it without you. Join us – Donate Today.