Alliance for Justice Action Campaign Launches 5-Figure Ad Buy Opposing Barrett Nomination

Zack Ford, Press Secretary
(202) 464-7370 /

WASHINGTON, D.C., October 15, 2020 – Alliance for Justice Action Campaign announced a five-figure ad buy for a new spot opposing the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. The ad will run across Facebook and target viewers in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, and North Carolina through the Senate’s confirmation vote.

The ad highlights that President Trump nominated Barrett to overturn the Affordable Care Act, which would take health care away from millions. She is also on record opposing reproductive rights, civil rights, and gun safety. She could even weigh in on the election itself, meaning she poses a threat to protections Americans have long held dear and democracy itself.

Alliance for Justice Action Campaign President Nan Aron issued the following statement:

“The nomination of Amy Coney Barrett has been completely rushed, through and through. We know exactly why the president nominated her, and we know exactly why Senate Republicans are in a rush to confirm her.

They want a Justice who will side with the wealthy and powerful over everyday Americans.

They want a Justice who will favor big corporations and ultraconservative special interests.

And they want a Justice who will overturn the Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade.

Millions of voters have already cast their ballots. We must not allow Trump and Senate Republicans to override their votes, steal the election, and dismantle our health care and our rights.”

The ad can be viewed here.

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