Biden Presidency An Opportunity To Protect Our Courts

Zack Ford, Press Secretary
(202) 464-7370 /

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 7, 2020 – In Tuesday’s election, Joe Biden scored a decisive victory for the White House, but Republicans could still yet maintain narrow control of the Senate.

Alliance for Justice Action Campaign President Nan Aron issued the following statement:

“Voters across the country made clear they see a different vision for our future and our courts than Trump’s parade of unqualified judicial nominees with extremist records. Voters recognized the hypocrisy of Trump’s empty pledges to protect our health care and our rights while stacking the courts with ultraconservative ideologues who will only undermine our democracy and the rights we hold dear. In several states, that meant voting out senators whose final defining legacy was rubber-stamping Trump’s judges.

This was a shot across the bow to Republican senators who overwhelmingly confirmed nominees they expect to do their dirty work of stripping away our rights they know they don’t have the support for in Congress. We will continue to hold them accountable for trying to rig the courts for their dangerous agenda. In the meantime, we will continue to fight to protect our courts from conservative takeover at both the federal and state levels.

In states like Colorado and Arizona, voters stood up for the courts. Soon, the courts will once again stand up for them.”

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