Past Campaign: Put People First: Vote McCormack and Welch


With your help, Justices Bridget McCormack and Elizabeth Welch were re-elected and elected, respectively, to the Michigan Supreme Court on November 3, 2020, flipping the court to a 4-3 Democratic majority.

Put People First: Vote McCormack and Welch

State courts decide over 95% of all cases in the United States – which means they are making the decisions that affect your community, your safety, and your rights.  

We must elect qualified judges who will protect the rights of all of us, not just the wealthy and powerful, and understand how their decisions will affect each of us.   

On November 3, Michigan has the chance to elect two amazing women to serve on the state supreme court: Bridget McCormack and Elizabeth Welch 

Since her election in 2012, Chief Justice McCormack has worked across the bench to earn the respect of her colleagues and create a more accessible, transparent court.

For 25 years, Elizabeth Welch has fought to protect the environment, public health, children in schools, combat voter suppression, and safeguard the right for all Michiganders to have a fair shot at justice. Welch understands the issues affecting Michiganders every day.

Together, McCormack and Welch will put people first and continue to move the court towards progress and independence from partisan power grabs.

However you are planning to vote, in person or by mail, there’s more to the ballot than you may think. Look all the way down your ballot to the non-partisan section.

Vote for McCormack and Welch for State Supreme Court to ensure a better future for all Michiganders.

State Supreme Courts are the last word for millions of workers, consumers, women, students, people with disabilities and health concerns, and the most vulnerable among us. State courts decide over 95% of all cases in the United States, including crucial cases on voting rights and redistricting that impact elections and policies across the country. We need top-quality, fair-minded judges to protect our lives, our rights, our jobs, our classrooms, and our health – not just the wealthy and powerful.  

You can vote comfortably and safely from your home through Vote by Mail.

Find your polling place and instructions for absentee voting so you can safely cast your ballot!

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