supreme court

What’s at stake if Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court

The new Supreme Court term kicks off this week, right in the middle of a pitched battle over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. We’ve already outlined many of the reasons why Brett Kavanaugh should never be confirmed to the Supreme Court. If he is confirmed, we won’t have to wait long to see his impact: there are cases that could end up before the Supreme Court next term that would have major implications for all of our rights, including our reproductive rights, health care, LGBTQ rights, immigrants’ rights, voting rights, and more.

supreme court

5 Reasons You Should Call Your Senators to #StopKavanaugh

By now, you’ve probably heard of Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. He’s a current D.C. Circuit judge with a hyperpartisan record and Trump picked him to do two things: gut Roe v. Wade and undermine access to affordable health care. Oh – and it doesn’t hurt that Kavanaugh has had a lot to say about how presidents should be above the law and shouldn’t be investigated while they’re in office, now that Trump’s own lawyer has implicated Trump in a felony. So there’s that, too.

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Brett Kavanaugh would gut Roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion.

During his campaign, President Trump wasn’t exactly shy when he talked about what he wanted in a Supreme Court justice. Trump specifically said he would appoint “pro-life” judges who would “automatically” overturn Roe v. Wade. He also called for people who had abortions to be punished. So it wasn’t really a surprise when he nominated Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh’s record is clear: if you’re looking for a fifth vote to gut reproductive rights, he’s your guy.

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